My group and I presented our poster “Comparison of the Effects of Common Fertilizers on Plant Growth” during research day during the fall semester in 2019. During the showcase, my group and I presented our research comparing the effects four different fertilizers on the growth of sunflower and cucumber plants. The fertilizers include Hoagland’s Nutrient Solution, Miracle-Gro, Organic Fertilizer, Fertilizer Spikes, and a control group. We also used our experiment and research to recommend an appropriate experiment for a fifth grade science lesson. We determined that the cucumbers would be the best plant for fifth grade students to use during the experiment and each group in the fifth grade class will be responsible for one of the four different fertilizers or the control.
I really enjoyed presenting at the research showcase. This presentation, along with the presentation for my Special Education class, were my first opportunities to present at the showcase. I loved talking to students and faculty about the work my group and I had completed throughout the semester.