SPAN 110 – Beginning Language and Culture

Language has always been one of my weakest areas. In all honesty, I was dreading this class before the semester began, but although it was one of the hardest classes I’ve ever taken, I learned more than I ever thought I could. I realize that sounds cliche, but it’s true. In high school, I took three years of French with a teacher who didn’t really teach and I think it gave me the wrong idea about how quickly one can learn a language. Professor Sanchez’s enthusiastic, unrelenting teaching style kicked my butt and left me more fluent in Spanish after one semester than I was in French after three years.

At the end of the semester, the class split into groups to research and present on a Hispanic country. I ended up researching Mexico, finding a much more beautiful and inviting culture than  the common American misconception would have me expect. One day, I hope to run the Ultramaratón Caballo Blanco!

Here’s a link to the project: