~ Issues in Theatre ~
This class was interesting to say the least. I would have never opted to take a Theatre class had it not been for General Education Goal 4, but it wasn’t what I would have expected. The class focused less on theatre itself and more on marketing and history, which I was surprised to know some of thanks to taking Latin in high school. The class had multiple group projects throughout the semester, covering anything from playwrights to marketing ideas for a play. We were also required to see the two plays put on by the Theatre Department that semester and wrote reviews on them. I thought it would be best to include an example of a group project of guerrilla marketing ideas one of my groups came up with for a play we read to show how different the class is than what I expected. Besides coming up with ideas, we were instructed to go more in depth and calculate average cost, and what materials and actors would be needed to reach the intended audience. This went past anything I had thought we would cover, and I found myself having fun coming up with ideas.
Below are the ideas we came up with. These showcase how this class was less about reading and watching plays and more about exploring the factors that go into making them possible, such as funding and marketing. We even came up with and designed our own company logo as well as a poster, which are included on the page.
Guerrilla Marketing Ideas, Emily Mothersbaugh, Rosalyn Nelson, Courtney Stewart, & Maya, October 2017