
Below are five courses I have taken throughout my college years that have developed the specific skills and knowledge I can, and would like to bring, to any future workplace:

Public Speaking

  • In this course, I learned the different styles of speeches, how to create a well developed full sentence outline, and the most effective way to deliver a speech to get your audience to pay attention. This course also helped me to improve my confidence when in front of a crowd and be aware of small movements or nervous antidotes that can take the audiences attention off of what I have to say.

Persuasion Theory 

  • This course helped to develop my knowledge of persuasion, specifically in today’s advertising world. I was able to learn different persuasion techniques and how each different technique can revoke a different response in a viewer.

Public Relations Writing

  • This course advanced my experience in Public Relations writing pieces. I was required to develop a portfolio containing all of my writing pieces to explain and publicize my work. Throughout the course, I was asked to write about things I cared about as it pulled out the best of my writing. During the semester, we wrote press releases, PSAs, newsletters, fact sheets, and speeches. I now have an understanding of the basic format and expectations of these different pieces. (2 of these pieces are exhibited in the projects page)

Conflict Resolution

  • This course taught me how to effectively handle conflict with peers and coworkers, how to recognize when a different approach was necessary, and allowed me to role play different conflict scenarios with my peers to make me more confident in the case these issues ever truly did arise. This course also encouraged me to view the conflict from the other person’s shoes in order to understand why they may be acting or feeling the way they are, this would then help me to be able to communicate with them more effectively.

Digital and Social Technology 

  • This course required me to develop a blog on a topic that I felt I was an expert on, write 8 different blog posts, and market them to my followers via Twitter and Facebook profiles. This course advanced my knowledge of marketing techniques, taught me to use various social media content platforms such as Hootsuite, and gave me experience using marketing data to gain the most viewership and following. (You can find a link to the blog in the projects page)