
Welcome to my e-portfolio! My name is Kira Davis and I am an undergraduate student at Longwood University in Farmville, VA. I am majoring in Communication Studies with a concentration in Public Relations. In addition, I am pursuing a minor in Criminal Justice. My expected graduation date is May 2019! (Almost there! Woohoo!)

I am originally from Newport News, VA which I talk about… A LOT #757. It’s actually quite interesting because I am from a fairly large city and then I ended up here at Longwood in a very small town in the heart of Virginia. I have to say, there’s just a special magic in the air here in Farmville and the first time I toured Longwood I completely fell in love. I was fascinated by the small school feel and how friendly everyone on campus was even to the tour group.

As cliché as it may sound, picking Communication Studies as my major is THE greatest decision I made here at school. I picked COMM Studies because I wasn’t quite sure what exactly I wanted to do in the future. I studied Communications in high school and knew that I had a little interest in it and also was aware that with COMM the possibilities are endless. The major can be applied to almost any field that I would be interested in and keeps my options open for the future. I didn’t want to be tied down to a subject field that I may end up not being a fan of later on.

Since coming to Longwood, I have been an active participant in campus organizations, jobs, and leadership roles. Currently, I am the president of my field hockey team, a head RA, and in four different honors societies. The parts of my life that inspire me to keep going every day are planning new travel trips and planning my future wedding with my boyfriend. I know, it seems weird that planning things are my stress relief but I LOVE it.

The experiences I have had at Longwood that have influenced who I am the most are being an RA, my Alternative Breaks service trip to Houston, and the friendships I have made along the way. In the future, I hope to travel around the world and work in a position where I can mentor young professionals the way I have been mentored in my time at Longwood.