ENGL 215: Morality and Heroism
The artifact that I chose for this class is one of four papers that I wrote for Morality and Heroism first semester. This class is one that I had really struggled in. It was my worst grade for midterms and the year as a whole. I felt like no matter how hard I worked, I could not get the grade that I wanted. This was a point of learning for me because I had to realize that it was okay to ask for help and to not be getting perfect grades with minimal effort like in high school. I finished the course with an A-.
PHIL 200: Introduction to Philosophy
The artifact that I chose for this class is a paper I wrote for extra credit. I had an A in the course but I still made sure to maximize on the opportunity for extra credit. This is something that I have learned early on in my time at Longwood. Not all professors give extra credit opportunities so I have had to learn to take advantage whenever possible. At the end of the semester, it can end up having a big impact on the final grade so this is something that I have has to continue to keep in mind when completing assignments.
PSYC 101: Introduction to Psychology
The artifact I chose for this course is a research paper I wrote about the benefits of meditation in treating the symptoms of anxiety disorders. This was my first research paper for college and there is a big difference in the quality of this one when compared to my research paper for English second semester. A lot of little mistakes made in this one were errors that I made sure not to repeat in my other paper. I also took advantage of the writing center second semester so there was a lot of growth between the two, and they centered on similar topics so it is nice to compare them.
FINA 250: Personal Finance
The artifact I chose for personal finance is a project we completed at the end of the course. The purpose was to apply the vocabulary and skills we learned to set life goals and create a general plan for the future. This assignment pushed me to think realistically about what I can accomplish during my time at Longwood and beyond.
ASL 110: Begin Language and Culture
This artifact is a reflection essay on my experience at a Parent Child Advocate event in Richmond that my professor had the class go to outside of regular hours. We talked with deaf teachers that were fluent in sign and played games with them using ASL. Prior to attending this event, I had never interacted with anyone deaf or hard of hearing before and now I am glad that I have gained this experience and the ability to sign because it is so useful. I gained a lot of perspective on what it is like for members of the deaf community and the importance of communication across cultures.
COMM 101: Public Speaking
In public speaking we had to present to the class many times over the course of the semester, most of the time on whatever topic we wanted. I chose to do a presentation on developing positive relationships, which I learned about in social psychology and found to be particularly interesting. As long as I can remember I have always experienced intense anxiety with public speaking and it is a relief to be finished with this course.