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Day 7 — BLAKE2 Implementation

September 10th, 2020

Hi, all! Welcome to CryptoCL.

Firstly, an update on the issue with the Rob Farber tutorial: After testing it on the lab system, the program successfully ran and passed all the tests. The lab systems have support for OpenCL, while my system at home does not. Ergo, using the lab systems to handle programs that deal with OpenCL will be crucial.

Next, BLAKE2 implementation has begun! Firstly, we are grabbing from the BLAKE2b and BLAKE2s (abbreviated as B2b and B2s hereafter) implementations provided from the BLAKE2 git repository. After browsing the code, I compiled both versions of B2b and B2s (One version specializes in speed, while the other complements portability and simplicity, as stated in the README). They all compiled and ran successfully, at least from what I can tell — looking through the code shows that the program prints “ok” when it runs without errors.

The problem is that the code doesn’t give an other information. When testing cryptographic functions, I would usually input some sort of input or the like, and compare to what the answer is supposed to be. However, the implementation provided does not given any other information besides if the program was successful in running.

Tomorrow, I will continue looking through the code. One, to study the implementation for the OpenCL-compatible version, and to see how I can accurately test the code.

Have a good day!

Kyle Jenkins.

Time spent today: 1 hour
Total Time: 7 hours 15 minutes

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