PHIL 325: HONS: Love, Sex, and Friendship

In Spring 2022 I took Love, Sex, and Friendship with Dr. Blincoe. I really, really enjoyed this course. It was the perfect Honors course for me to have a break from my music classes and touched on several topics related to love and human relationships that I was very interested in. In this class, we discussed the nature of love and what contributes to a good friendship. We did this by constantly engaging with different works of philosophy, literature, religion, and psychology. The goal of the course was to use the materials of other great figures in history to inform our own views on Love, Sex, and Friendship.

The artifact I have chosen to include was my paper on Friendship. For this paper, I used ideas seen in the Black Mirror episode “Nosedive” to support my argument that social media contributes to poor friendships. This paper used several different specific scenes from the episode to better convey my thoughts, and ultimately I tried to convey that the Black Mirror story serves as a warning to society to not allow social media to dominate our relationships with other people.