Chrissi Venier
Journal #2
WC: 337

What have you learned since the start of your internship?

I have learned a lot of information about alpacas such as their purpose on farms, their ability to help the environment, and their fiber. I think that having a lot of information on hand makes it easier to interact with people when they come to me with questions about the business. I have learned a lot about being the social media face for a business. I’m constantly saying our username to people and I’m glad that we have our social media synced and something that is simple because it can be overwhelming to have to remember a lot of information that doesn’t sound related.

What challenges have you faced?

I have struggled with making sure that my supervisor is satisfied with my work because I’m naturally a little insecure since I’ve never done anything like this outside of class before. She and her husband tell me constantly that I’m doing a good job but I get nervous that they are just being nice. I also am struggling with holding myself back from doing too much. I try to do enough to get my ten hours a week and leave the rest to her because it’s her business and she tells me to slow down a lot but I get really excited about work.

How are these experiences helping you seek a future career?

I get really excited telling people about work and what we do and I think that is part of being a good publicist. I also have been learning a lot more about technology and social media that I didn’t know just doing things on my own. I think that branching out and trying new things is important so that when you get in a work place, you are adapted enough to not be terrified to start. I have also had a lot of experience creating graphics and talking to small business owners and other local professionals. Being able to talk to people as a professional and be able to connect with them and get them engaged while still being respectful is something I’m getting a lot of practice at.