Chrissi Venier
01/25/17 (new add-on)
Journal #1
WC: 343

What will you do in this internship?

In this internship, I will act as the online face of the company. I will run both the Facebook and Instagram accounts, keeping them consistently updated and interactive with the audience. In March, I will help with the event planning and the production of an “Open Barn” to be held towards the end of the month. In addition, I will create advertisements for the business and reach out to the town of Farmville about supporting BrightEyes Alpaca Retreat. The produced pieces of writing, flyers, and advertising for BrightEyes will be edited and approved by my supervisor. I will reach out to students and faculty on campus to seek assistance/offer student opportunities that interact with the business. I will meet my supervisor every Friday to discuss the past week and plan for the future one.

What skills do you have that you will use multiple times in this internship?

I have skills in simple technology and social media which will definitely come in handy during this internship. I also am familiar with the town and many of the small business owners here so making connections for the business will be simple. I have learned a lot from my PR Writing class that will be used such as creating radio PSA’s and developing flyers that attract the eye of the reader/viewer and keep them interested. I also have a good professional voice in email and person that serves the business well for online and in person communication.

What skills are you missing that you hope to gain from this internship?

I would like to become more creative and learn more about the event planning side of PR. I do not have much experience with event planning so March will be an exciting month to grow in. We also are actively looking for help in both the IT and graphic design fields, two things that I am not very capable at beyond basic comprehension. I would also like to become more attentive to my own faults and be able to accept that I will not always be able to perfect every situation. I have a tendency to think that I am always right and I hope to avoid overstepping any boundaries.