Chrissi Venier
Journal #3
WC: 326

What have you learned since your last journal entry?

I have learned that I don’t need constant reassurance to be proud and confident in my work. I have always been a person that needs someone to tell me that I’m doing a good job but the more work I complete and the more positive feedback I receive from my supervisor and others who see it, the more I find myself less concerned with others opinions. I still pride myself in creating work that benefits the company but I don’t make near as many edits as I used to.

What challenges have you faced?

Lately, I’ve struggled with being brave in my communication and fears that one set back will ruin all of the work I’ve put in. I am a naturally anxious person and I have confidence issues with my work stemming from inexperience. I think that the longer I do this internship, the more I learn about myself as a professional. I am making internal decisions about what is appropriate to speak up about and what would benefit me and my internship by speaking up and being willing to take a risk. I think the farther I go in this internship, the more I will learn about myself and about what needs to be done to be a professional in the PR industry.

How are these experiences helping you seek a future career?

I feel like many of my experiences through this internship are adding on to prior experience I have with my involvement in clubs and experience in class that make interview questions a breeze. I have dealt with awkward situations, learning to communicate with new people, adapting to new situations and more. I have gotten so much more experience in creating advertising material and meeting with professionals who help develop a business than I could ever get through class. I would not be nearly as scared to sit in a interview chair than I would have been prior to this internship. I really think this hand on learning is so important to becoming a well-rounded, educated employee.