French 212- Intermediate Language & Culture II

This class was a pretty easy class for me that I got placed into after taking the foreign language assessment before the fall semester started in 2018. I had already taken through AP French in high school, so I knew quite a bit of French already and that is why I was placed into the highest placement possible. It was a fun class where we used activities in the textbook and workbook for grammar, speaking, and learning verb tenses. I learned about some new verb tenses and vocabulary in this class. I also improved my ability to talk to people in French by the activities with classmates and sometimes with the professor. The tests were writing, matching, and multiple choice. What was used depended on what was best for if the want of the question topic was grammar, vocabulary, or something else. My writing in French was improved too. I really liked the class a lot because of how it was interactive and not just sitting around writing notes all the time. I don’t think I will take anymore French classes in college, but if I do decide that I want to or if I just want to hold on to the language, I will use something like DuoLingo to do that. This class was a great class with a great professor who helped me improve my French in the classroom one last time.

The artifact I have here is a small writing assignment we had to do about the job unit that we were talking about. I had to write about the job I might want to have with its advantages and disadvantages. The job I chose was lawyer. What you see in this writing is the use of new vocabulary like the French word for lawyer, avocate, and other words that were on the vocabulary list of the unit or pertained to the unit that we had learned in class. This shows my new vocabulary and how my grammar and writing has grown in French.