Anthropology 202- Archaeology

This class I took in the spring 2019 semester was very fun and I liked it a lot. A lot of the class was talking about case studies that have been done that relate to the archaeological terms that we just learned in some power-point slides. There were lots of pictures to look at of artifacts that were anything from pottery to bones. Another big part of the class were videos by the tv show Time Team that helped us see some archaeology in action. It was an interesting introduction to the cool subject of archaeology. The tests were multiple choice, so they weren’t the hardest thing for me because I have a pretty good memory that can keep a lot of information in it. The one test that was harder was the final exam because it was in essay format in a blue book. It was a test where we got to show how much we had learned about everything in the course, and we didn’t know what the questions would be like until the day of the exam. That made it a little bit harder and made it so everything had to be studied. This class helped me know more about archaeology and case studies and be better at learning about both of them.

The artifact that I have is what I had to say after we did a project with Atlatl’s. That is the only experiment project we did, and I wish there were more of them in the class. Experimental archaeology was something we learned about in class before doing the project. Atlatl’s are like arrows that you shoot for archery, but a little bit different. We went out and threw them on 1st field and recorded the data of everyone in our class. Then, this data and the data from the other sections of this class were put together. All of this data is what I was looking at when I answered the questions about the experiment. My observations were pretty good, but I can always make them better in another class like this. This class helped me see science in a different way than I had before with just Biology and Chemistry, because Archaeology is a science too. It is just a different kind of science.