Post #4

  • Exigencies: Defined as “an imperfection marked by urgency” or “opportunity marked by urgency,” there are numerous exigencies that can be identified within VCU Health (Hoffman & Ford). Possibly, one of the most prominent challenges for the organization as a whole would be the inability to fully understand certain illnesses and overall have the technology and successful research to cure or fully resolve given conditions, disorders, and diseases, which might cause disappointment and potentially resentment among some patients and family. However, this same idea could also be turned into a positive, where this organization can and does portray the research, technology, and high-quality staff to create a friendly, professional atmosphere for patients. Ultimately, there is a focus on an anticipated opportunity for this organization. This notion can be portrayed in the associated video, where each employee delineates challenges they face and their successful method and delivery of overcoming those challenges, also hinting at the superior technology, research, and staff they acquire to make these little successes day-to-day.
  • Audiences: There is a wide array of individuals that make up the audience of VCU Health. Ranging from current patients with varying conditions and diseases to potential employees of the hospital (such as nurses, doctors, etcetera), this system’s audience is extremely diverse. However, specifically analyzing the rhetorical artifact used in my third post, VCU’s video is aimed at thanking and appreciating employees of VCU Health, however, this artifact also appeals to current and potential patients of the hospital. With that in mind, the target in this situation would be the functional audience. Without the employees that work day-to-day and the patients that allow for the functioning of the hospital, VCU’s Health System would not be able to run efficiently.
  • Constraints and Assets: Ultimately, if research was more advanced and there was a way to rid of incurable condition, patients and individuals worldwide would be ecstatic. However, as we know, it is certainly not that simple and there are a lot of advances to be made. An asset that does make it easier for VCU Health to answer the exigencies would be that they portray a positive, professional attitude and portray to be equipped with educated, hard-working, and personable staff. I feel as if VCU Health has always expressed a consistent philosophy in regards to attitudes and values. Potentially, if there was an individual lawsuit or anything of that nature, that might impact how the message is interpreted by audiences, but overall, there are no overly apparent hindrances on the positive interpretation of this organizations message.
  • Rhetorical Situations: The type of rhetorical situation for the imperfection present in this organization would be risk. VCU Health does a fine job of portraying their ability to handle various situations successfully day-to-day through their use of knowledge, friendliness, advanced technology and research but this might be a fault when it comes to incurable patients and even bad experiences that some patients have been exposed to through the organization.