SOCL 320

Socl 320 looked at the sociology of the American school system and how it has changed over time. We have looked at how it has affected different racial groups, different genders, and those of different socioeconomic statuses. Our biggest focus however, was the affect of the pandemic on the American public school system. We did this by interviewing an elementary public school teacher on their experience and then we compiled our findings as a class. We then coded our information and later presented our finding as a class at research day. We learned how stressed teachers are right now. They have so many new responsibilities on top of their usual work load. The teachers also expressed concerns that they have with students who come from poor living situations. We found that the pandemic has changed the public school system as a whole. After completing this research, we believe that the use of virtual learning will continue to be in use for emergency purposes but will not become the primary means of public education. The artifact below is our class’s presentation.