Religion 342 was definitely a challenging but interesting course. I was very intimidated at the start of this course however, I was very proud of the hard work that I put into this class. This class taught me the importance of reading very thoroughly in order to fully read actively. Reli 342 required us to read difficult religious and philosophical works that made us think outside of our own religious views. The artifact below was a group project that we did where we had to make a dialogue between characters where they had to debate a global of civic issue. Our civic issue was the death penalty and whether or not it was ethical. The character that I was responsible for was pro death penalty. The most beneficial piece of information that I learned from this course was that it is ok to be wrong. I have always been so afraid to contribute in classes because I am afraid of being incorrect. The professor of this course however, reassured us that the worse thing you could was not participate at all.