I wasn’t sure what exactly to expect from this class, but I was excited to explore a new subject. Love, Sex, and Friendship brought a new light on different relationships and their importance in our lives. I learned about the importance of meaningful relationships and friendships and how they can be achieved through genuine human interaction. The most challenging part of the class was reflecting on my own life and how many meaningful interactions I had with people. I realized that I wasn’t having as many of these interactions as I thought I did. I was surprised to find my favorite unit to be the one covering Friendship because it included looking at how social media affected friendships. I enjoyed exploring how social media can affect how we interact with each other with both positive and negative consequences. I enjoyed reading all of the assigned readings for class because I was exposed to the works of Aristotle as well as C.S. Lewis and their views of the different kinds of love and relationships.
As an artifact from this course, I included a paper I have written on how social media affects friendship. It was my favorite topic we covered and the one that I wanted to learn more about.