
This academic year was monumental for many reasons. I finalized my major, chose a career path, and involved myself in various organizations, many of which I held high positions.

Honor and Conduct Board

In the fall semester I was a member of the Honor and Conduct Board. I learned so much about myself in the three day training we a part of before the rest of campus came back. I learned that I am very organized and strive for finite goals that can be accomplished. With each case I sat on came a new level of empathy and understanding. I feel so grateful that I was given a chance to see the inner workings of the student conduct process.

Student Government Association

Since I first arrived at Longwood I knew that I wanted to carry on my high school involvement in student government into my college years. In the 2018-2019 school year I served on the Student Government Association as a Freshman Representative and set my sights on becoming SGA President before I graduated. I am so happy to say that I have stuck with this goal and have made large strides in what I hope will result in my achieving it. In Fall 2019 I served as the Sophomore Class President and realized how heavily SGA impacts Longwood’s campus and each student that attends our university. After stepping away for one semester to recenter myself and take a breath from all my additional responsibilities, I returned to SGA and was elected to the position of Executive Senator for the upcoming school year of 2020-2021. Being a member of exec will allow me a unique insight on behind the scenes work and I am extremely excited to have this experience. SGA has quickly become my favorite aspect of Longwood and it was the first organization that truly made me feel like I had found my home away from home. During my time serving the student body I have vastly increased my abilities to organize events and have also discovered my love for thinking up initiatives and taking them on. I will keep working towards my goal of becoming SGA President and hopefully my next update will include that success!

Elwood’s Cabinet

Elwood’s Cabinet has caused me to take a look at my heart and has also given me skills in recognizing the needs of those around me. I served as the Director of Donations this past year and I have been elected to do so again for the upcoming year. Being a  member of this amazing organization, I have experienced exponential growth in both my personal and professional life. Running the cabinet takes an army and it is a lot of hard work, but it is so worth it. I have always had a heart for serving others but I never thought about the fact that my peers need serving as well.Elwood’s Cabinet won the Best New Organization award and that was a very humbling moment for everyone who volunteers for us. Knowing that students utilize our resources and appreciate our mission gives me a deep sense of satisfaction and makes me beyond honored to be a Lancer.It is because of this organization and my desire to serve that I have decided to join the AmeriCorps after graduation and then pursue a career working for nonprofit organization.

Writing Center

Perhaps the biggest professional development I have made this academic year was being accepted to join the Writing Center staff for the upcoming year. I have always loved writing and editing things and I knew that the Writing Center would be a fantastic place to gain work experience that relates to my degree. After undergoing five weeks of training, I was offered an official position as a Writing Consultant. I am eager to work with students and sharpen my skills as both a writer and a tutorer. This experience will give me a unique edge when applying to grad schools and I know it will serve me well in both my professional and personal development.