HONS 295

HONS 295 – City as Text: Atlanta

CAT was probably the funnest honors class I have taken so far. In this class, we studied about Farmville, VA and a bit about Atlanta, GA. When the class began, we researched many facts about Farmville so that we could accurately compare it to our experiences in Atlanta. This was quite eye opening as many statistics about Farmville’s poverty and income rates were on extreme ends of the spectrum. Before departing on our trip, we researched many neighborhoods around ATL so that we could have some sort of background before we left. During fall break, we took a trip to Atlanta to actually experience the city and it’s surrounding areas. I really enjoyed going to the different areas because I know I wouldn’t have gone to some of them if I were going there on vacation as a tourist. In particular, I enjoyed going to Decatur because it was basically just a giant Farmville Main Street. There were lots of shops and eateries to go to and everyone was so friendly. My partner for the day, Haleigh, and I even got asked if we needed directions to somewhere while we were waiting for the bus. Below you can find my reflection from that day and a few pictures from our trip.

MARTA Station at Peachtree Center (This was my favorite stop because it took you right into Downtown ATL and the exposed rock was really cool)