Goal 8 – PSYC 101

PSYC 101 – Intro to Psychology

I was extremely excited for Intro to Psych. I had previously taken AP Psychology in high school with a quite hard teacher, so I thought this class would be a breeze. It was not. My professor made sure we read the book by giving us notecard quizzes everyday at the beginning of class. This definitely made me eager to read and take notes like I was supposed to. This class took up the majority of my homework time throughout first semester, which I was definitely not expecting. I did learn to appreciate this fact, though. Although I did not fully grasp some of the concepts presented to me in AP Psych, I managed to work through some of the more difficult topics and actually learn them. I also learned how to easily work my way through a journal article and media report. Attached below is a copy of my review of an article and report.