CTZN 110 was the first Honors course I had and I had no idea what sustainability was. Over time I realized that sustainability had to do with saving the planet and conserving materials through recycling and other processes.
The class was very speaking intensive which I loved because I love to talk any chance I get. While I normally can talk about anything, this class was one I struggled with because I did not know about many sustainability efforts that were taking place here at Longwood or around the world. This class really tested my patience and knowledge of sustainability. The best part about the class was the final project, we had to pick a focus area of sustainability and go around campus to talk to people about improving the sustainability efforts here. I had researched composting for weeks before my group and I went to the dining with the director to interview Grant Avent, the director of dining services. I was finally comfortable talking about a part of sustainability due to my extensive research on composting at Longwood and other universities.
This was our fact sheet about composting here at Longwood after our interview with Grant Avent. This class really helped me step out of my comfort zone and the experience to interview multiple people was one I will never forget.