ASL 210 American Sign Language

This course was one of my favorite courses that i have taken at Longwood. Professor Jones is amazing at encouraging his students and pushing us to the best we can be. In this class i not only learned how to communicate with others through sign language but i also learned the history of ASL. We watched multiple documentaries about the founders of ASL and other important people in the development of ASL. This class was more challenging that ASL 110 which i also took with Professor Jones. Instead of learning the basic words and questions, we learned how to hold conversations with people who are deaf. I found this more effective because now i was comfortable to have a conversation rather than asking someone what their favorite color was and not knowing what to do next.


Below i have attached a paper we had to write about the PCA (Parent Child Advocate) program. This program is for parents with children who are deaf and it helps the child learn sign language and helps the parent learn how to communicate with their child. Personally i think it is an amazing program and once a semester we have the chance to attend one of the meetings and interact with the parents and children.