3.4 Collaborate effectively in a group setting within the discipline

Being able to work in a group is important for so many disciplines, but especially in science. I have worked within groups for, I believe, all of my science classes at Longwood. While it can honestly be frustrating at times, it is really beneficial to learn how to collaborate in a group. One of my earliest experiences working in a group was in BIOL 251, intro to ecology and evolution my sophomore year. For this class, my group had to come up with a project all on our own and write a proposal for it. It was difficult to write a proposal with multiple people adding to it, but we completed it. This research proposal was probably my earliest proposal I have ever written, and I think it turned out alright.

One of my more recent experiences in a group setting was in BIOL 475, animal behavior. Similarly to BIOL 251, my group and I had to come up with a project and write a research proposal on it. This is something I have done before, so it wasn’t too daunting of a task. I will say, I had a lot of trouble with that particular group, and getting this proposal turned in was a bumpy road. However, I am still relatively proud of how it turned out, and I think it really reflects how much I have grown in writing proposals and collaborating with group members in writing.

This is a skill that I see myself continuing to work on in veterinary school, as I am positive I will have lab projects with groups once again. This skill is also important in almost every discipline, and is something that will continue to develop and improve throughout my life.
