
Overall, after completing English 470 I have gained many valuable skills I will be able to apply throughout graduate school and into my future career. Before taking English 470, I did not abide by the eight C’s of professional writing. Meaning, my writing was not clear, concise, concrete, complete, courteous, coherent, constructive, or correct. Also, I did not realize what a professional document entailed. By taking this course, I have learned how to format, to design, and to utilize graphics to make an appropriate and appealing professional or business document. Working as a future speech language pathologist I will have to compose bad news and persuasive letters. By taking this course, I have had the ability to compose a potential persuasive letter and a bad news letter. Furthermore, working in the field of speech language pathology I will be expected to work in multidisciplinary, collaborative groups. Throughout the duration of this course I have had the opportunity to work in many groups to complete many of the required assignments. Finally,