Integrative Biology

At the beginning of the fall 2019 semester, I changed my minor from neuro studies to biology because I was going to conduct research with Dr. Jackson. Due to softball being so time consuming, we couldn’t get the research done with the time that I had. Therefore I changed my minor back to neuro studies. I chose to take Bio 120 because it fulfilled a requirement for the biology minor. The class was all about the biology of animals, plants, and the earth in general, and it overlapped a lot with my kinesiology research. A big part of this class was writing research papers, and being in this class helped me put to use what I learned during summer research. Even though I might not need this class for my minor now, I still learned a lot from it, and enjoyed it very much!


The artifact I chose to include is a results section of an experiment that I conducted. This experiment was to see how well a plant grew based on the type of water it was given. The plants were given tap water, deionized water, and ionized water.