Book Club Week Two

Book Club Week Two Blog Post- Chapters 2,3,& 4- Pages 29-67
a. Identify the four elements of the habit feedback loop. Explain what each is using a personal example from your own work habits.

The four elements of the Habit Feedback Loop are cue, craving, response and reward. A personal example to use in my own life that has to do with my work habits is trying to quit procrastinating so much. Procrastination is my biggest obstacle because I always keep a list of what I have due so I know when to get it done but I still put it off to the very last minute. Also if I have responsibilities to get done first and I am tired or low on energy after that but I know I have homework I still end up not doing it like I should have. Since the start of my college career at Longwood University I have been working on getting better about doing my work early and rewarding myself for getting the work done early. But due to the coronavirus and being at home in quarantine I am beginning to really fall behind in my progress with my procrastination. In this personal example my cue in life is having feelings of being stressed and overwhelmed from the work load I have. My craving wants to exercise or go for a walk, sometimes even nap so I can relax and get a break from well reality in a sense because it is just so much easier to do something else then to do work for school. My response to this obstacle is doing assignments a day or two before it is originally supposed to be done so I do not get behind anymore and if needed to be fixed I have the time to fix it and still get it done before the day it is due. My reward to myself is that I allow myself to go out with friends, family or my boyfriend for about two hours one night a week. Me being able to go out and have fun and get away for a bit has become associated with me completing my school work now sometimes even three days before its due.

b. What are the 4 laws of behavior change? In the spirit of raising your own level of awareness, make a habits scorecard of the behaviors you engage in to complete work this internship. What is one behavior you have become more aware of as a result?

The four laws of behavior change are make it obvious, make it attractive, make it easy and make it satisfying.
With this internship there is no doubt we have a large work load for each week. I tend to start out by taking it week by week and I jot down all the assignments I have to do in a journal and the days they are due in order by dates. I then put those assignments in my calendar with all my other responsibilities so I see week to week and even day to day all I have to accomplish. These allows for organization and for me to find the information in more than one place as like a double reminder to get the work done. After I get all that straight I try to do at least 2 hours of work a day sometimes more and sometimes less depending on my schedule but I put the lost time into another days time. I also try to have my reading done on Wednesday so I can follow up the reading with the blog post. When it comes to the work that is due on Sunday I work on each day through Thursday night or Friday to get it done so I can have the weekend to have some fun with friends and family. This system worked for me last week and is working for me this week as well and let me say my stress level is lower than usual and I don’t feel so overwhelmed so it’s made life easier during this busy time.
 Jot assignments down in notebook (+)
 Jot assignments down in calendar (+)
 Do at least 2 hours of work (=)
 Go for a walk when I get overwhelmed (-)
 Play with my dog (=)
 Play music to have in the background (-)
 Make food before I begin my work so I am not hungry (+)
 Do work outside when it’s nice out (+)
The behavior I have become more aware of as a result is that with working a job and doing the internship virtually I am getting more rest and eating much healthier. Usually I would go to bed no earlier than 1 am for sure but not I am in the bed by 11pm and I wake up feeling more refreshed and with more energy to face the day. This gives me time to get ready and get all my stuff I need together to go to work as well as work on assignments while I am at work. With the healthier eating I take in much more water and fruits throughout the day which is a positive because before I have struggled with improving my eating habits.

Criteria for Success:
Learning Outcome: Completed Blog Post
The student completed a reflective writing blog post according to the assignment description to include replying to all questions in a narrative (paragraph) format.

Learning Outcome: Attendance & Participation
The student was on time to the book club meeting, attended the entire session, and participated actively and independently in the discussion/activities presented.

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