Book Club Week Seven

Book Club Week 7:

a. As recreation professionals, boredom is a concept we deal with often. What does the author say about boredom and its impact on building healthy habits? Using his recommendations, give an example of a work habit that you have experienced boredom and identify how to overcome that in order to retain the “good” habit

One way to overcome boredom when building healthy habits is to make them positive and align them with yourself and what you are comfortable with. Sometimes adding a reward system can also help make the habit more attractive. I must say I have tried using a reward system before and it has worked on occasion and other times I think it just became a distraction so I am 50/50 on that. One of my work habits is doing school work at a certain time during the day, and one way I have made it attractive is by lighting a candle and turning off all the distractions like tv and my phone and just focusing on the school work itself. I like the candle to fill the room with an aroma and the less distractions the more work I get done and the faster time goes by. This method has actually been quite successful for me especially during this virtual internship.

b. Consider the concept of an “accountability partner”. How might you use this concept when working with clients?

When working with clients it would be beneficial to recommend an “accountability partner” to help reach goals or to help motivate when you are having a rough day and maybe don’t want to go to group or even leave the room. For example if you are wanting to get back into leisure and need help finding better leisure interest so you are more willing and likely to stick with the leisure you would want an accountability partner to keep you motivated and to help make sure you are participating in the new leisure. It may be beneficial to even have the accountability partner tag along with you on your new leisure for company throughout. The partner will make sure you are not lacking on your treatment and goals so you stay moving forward.

Criteria for Success:
Learning Outcome: Completed Blog Post
The student completed a reflective writing blog post according to the assignment description to include replying to all questions in a narrative (paragraph) format.

Learning Outcome: Attendance & Participation
The student was on time to the book club meeting, attended the entire session, and participated actively and independently in the discussion/activities presented.

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