Book Club Week Three

Book Club Week Three- Chapters 5,6 & 7- Pages 69-97
1. What is habit-stacking? How might you use this concept to improve your work habits?

a. Habit stacking is the idea of inserting a new habit into the already existing habits you have. For example, if you make breakfast every morning and want to start an exercise routine for a brief time, make the cooking breakfast the cue for exercise routine. In the case of work habits, if you know you always sit at your desk and open your computer, but want to be more productive, make the opening of your computer the cue to check your email. Once you form this habit, you can continue to habit stack like opening your computer, reading emails, responding to any that need it, checking canvas, and checking the blog.

2. According to the first law of behavior change, to develop a new, better habit one “makes it obvious”, to eliminate a bad habit one “makes it invisible”. Explain how you would use this concept to make a good work habit obvious and a bad work habit invisible.

a. One way to “make it obvious” could be to leave myself logged into my email on my computer when I get done for the night so it is the first thing to come up when I turn on my computer as well as setting an alarm or notification to appear on my screen that reminds me since I have other reminders that come up each day already. One way I could “make it invisible” is by placing my cell phone on my bed when I am on video calls or doing school work so that I can’t see it and put it on do not disturb so I do not hear it and it is not in reach of me at any point when I am at my desk.


Clear, James. (2018). Atomic Habits: An easy & proven way to build good habits and break bad ones. New York, NY: Penguin Random House LLC.

Criteria for Success:
Learning Outcome: Completed Blog Post
The student completed a reflective writing blog post according to the assignment description to include replying to all questions in a narrative (paragraph) format.

Learning Outcome: Attendance & Participation
The student was on time to the book club meeting, attended the entire session, and participated actively and independently in the discussion/activities presented.

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