I had never experienced writing a professional document before this class, so the Bad News letter and Persuasive letter were my first attempts within the subject. There were two different course objects that I found connected with this assignment and how I spent my time writing them. The first is to “create professional documents that use plain English”, or simply the 8 C’s of writing. I had no clue what the 8 C’s were before starting this course, but I now see how beneficial they are to everyday writing. I had to study their definitions and familiarize myself with this new way to look at grammar. I had taken a grammar course previously, but that mainly focused on sentence structure and not how one is supposed to write concisely, completely, correctly, etc. When writing these letters, I had to make sure that all of my words and sentences were within those boundaries. I had to pay very close attention to each phrase I typed because it had to flow well with the overall professional requirement. The second course objective requires research being conducted for professional documents such as letters, reports, etc. This perfectly aligned with this assignment because I had to look into each topic I was required to write about. There had never been a time where I needed to give bad news in a positive way or convince someone to make a big change that benefits a community. I had to research into what words, phrases, and styles would be the most convincing for each of my topics of interest. In order to present a convincing or informative letter, I had to find the information that would help me obtain that goal. I can now say that my writing has improved by learning from these specific objectives during this assignment of letters.