SPAN 212: Inter Intermediate Lang and Cult II

This course satisfied the World Language Perspective. This was my second Spanish class at Longwood and we learned so much about the Spanish language and the different cultures in Spanish speaking countries. We spent the semester studying several chapters from the assigned textbook and learning important vocabulary to be used in writing and speaking activities. I enjoyed this class because it was very discussion based which meant that we were encouraged to practice our Spanish by talking to our professor and interacting with our peers. We also played games like Bingo and Battleship to learn new vocabulary and grammar. My favorite part of this course was learning about the different cultures within Spanish speaking countries. Going along with the vocabulary we were learning, we discussed topics like religion and the difference between last names in Spanish speaking countries verses those in others countries which was something that I found interesting. Learning about these things has made me eager to visit these countries and witness these differing cultures in person.

Click Here! Cultura- La identificación religiosa de los hispanos

Stella Morris, Fall 2019 Above is the link to a common homework assignment done during this course.

Reflection: While during this course I learned many new things about the Spanish language, we did not participate in any projects or papers as part of our assignments. Instead, we completed many practice activities on Canvas outside of class for homework and discussed related topics in class with our peers in order to practice the language. Most of these assignments and activities consisted of reading sections on Spanish cultures in our text book and answering related questions. By reading about the different cultures in Spanish speaking countries, I was able to learn so much about them and how they differ from my own culture. I was also able to practice my writing in Spanish which is a very important skill because it is another way of communicating. In the above assignment, I compared and contrasted religion’s role in Spanish speaking countries with its role in the United States.