EDUC 245-51: Human Growth and Development

EDUC 245-51 fulfilled a Liberal Studies major requirement and a Pillar Level Course. Throughout this course we explored the different theories of child development by Sigmund Freud, Erik Erikson, Jean Piaget and more. We also learned some of the many aspects surrounding child development throughout a child’s life like intelligence testing, parenting styles, and play. This class is very important for my major because as a future teacher, I will need to know how children develop in order to help them learn. During this class we wrote several reflections on the material being taught in class and our final project was an in class presentation called the Three Ages Project. We were tasked with picking three children of different ages that we know and had to ask them questions. All three children are at different stages of child development and so their answers were very different. I found it interesting to analyze their answers and compare them to each other.

Click Here! EDUC 245-51 Three Ages Project

Stella Morris, Spring 2019 Above is the link for my final project in this course. The Three Ages project allowed students to take the content learned throughout the course and apply it to real children of different ages and developmental stages.

Reflection: The Three Ages Project was very interesting to me because I was able to compare and contrast children of three different ages based on the knowledge of child development I learned throughout this course. I was allowed to finally apply what we had learned to real people and interpret their differences myself. This project also had me presenting my findings to the class which allowed me to practice my public speaking and the task of holding an audiences attention for a significant amount of time since the presentation was required to be ten minutes long. My favorite part of the project was interviewing the three children because it was fun to talk to them and see how their answers were similar or different. Some question examples include: What is your favorite subject? and How many hours of sleep do you get each night? However, the most difficult part of the project for me was the presentation because speaking in front of people can make me nervous at times. This project was such a fun way to end the semester and I am so glad that I was able to practice my public speaking so that I may improve more and more for future class assignments.