Letter to Senior Self

Dear Senior Self, You have made it so far!  You have made so many memories and you are going to make so many more in the future. In the next few months, you will be graduating college! I’m sure you have had ups and downs throughout your college experience, but it had all contributed to your success. Learning from your experiences is very important and I hope you have learned from your failures and recognized that mistakes and failures are okay. I hope you have found something that you are truly passionate about and have gotten into your future career and hopefully graduate school. As you are writing this you are a freshman and happy and content with your life right now and I hope that does not change. You have made some really great friends that will last for a long time. One thing I want you to remember is never give up on your dreams and always do your best. You have worked so hard foe everything that you have accomplished and everything that has happened in the past four years will stick with you forever.