I took Biology 251, Intro to Ecology and Evolution during my sophomore fall semester. I enjoyed this course because I like learning how organisms can interact with each other and examining different levels of organization of ecosystems work. While I have had general previous knowledge about some of the topics discussed it was enjoyable to dive deeper into the topics. One of my favorite parts of this class was getting to go outside of the classroom to collect samples or do projects because I enjoy doing fieldwork and being involved in the direct process of research. This class allowed me to gain experience with working and collecting data on online databases for a project. I had never done this before so getting the experience to take past data that have collected throughout the years and create my own data from it was interesting to do. One artifact that I have attached to this page is the formal presentation my group and I presented about how parasites can affect bird populations. This was the project we collected data from online resources to gather data. The other artifact I included is my human demography paper in which our class collected data from a local Farmville cemetery off-campus.