The content of this ePortfolio is a demonstration of the skills improved by the English 470 Professional Writing Skills Class. The correspondence section was a sample of my professional writing in a rhetorical situation through which I was offering a proposal and delivering bad news to a coworker. In the section, I was able to take my interpretation of these skills and apply them to the assignments. By successfully implementing the logos, pathos, ethos, and other rhetorical situations into the documents I meet the needs that each document requested. In the Brochure section, there was more creativity showcased along with the other skills aforementioned. In the project, I was able to use an outlet for the clear and concise wording necessary for professional writing. During the creation of the professional report, I was able to work collaboratively and diligently with my partner as we created and ran our own consulting firm. This project combined all the skills applied in the other projects as the group employed creative, clear, concise, and complete writing for our clients.
I truly appreciate the many opportunities that were afforded to me by this class to improve my professional writing skills. The abilities I now possess have given me a step above many college graduates entering the workforce. I came into this class with high linguistic ability and these projects pushed me beyond my limits into uncomfortable areas. The depth of knowledge I gained while participating in class will stick with me as I enter my role as a classroom teacher. Clear and concise writing will help me in my classroom as I give instruction. Effective communication and collaboration will guide me as I look to work with other teachers in my field. The creativity will allow me to create more engaging lessons within my classroom. The transfer of skills to my everyday language ability has been noticed by my current peers and coworkers. Thank you for visiting my website. I enjoyed creating it and I hope you enjoyed viewing it.
“For more information please visit my Resume”
-Javion Peterson, last updated 05/2021