Letter to my Senior Self

Dear Senior Davice,

As we all know time seems to go by a lot faster when you are having fun, Davice I hope you have continued your academic career with this in mind. It is now time to graduate and go into the next stage of life (in our case- four more years at dentistry school) do not let it overwhelm us but rather enjoy every single last moment. We have come so far and nothing can hold you back now. Never let the people around you drag you down because the people your surround yourself with influence you in so many ways. The connections, experiences, and adversities have all been leading up to this point and we hopefully have grown from these things into a strong, independent, and caring woman. 

As far as Scholarship, I hope that we continue to persevere through your studies and gain more knowledge every day. However, knowing that not everything is as easy as it looks as though it is okay to look back now on our previous years at your failures and realize they only taught you more about yourself. Do not see those failures and use them against yourself but only to build yourself back up. Education has always been our number one priority, our strong type A personality never let anything get in between you and your dreams, do not ever forget that. I hope school continues to not be a mandatory responsibility for us but remains as a joyous opportunity that every day presents.  

As for Community, I hope we stay involved in this close-knit family that Longwood University offers to all of its students. Continue to make friendships and never stop saying hello to strangers because our smile may make someone else’s day a lot better. Continue to grow in your leadership positions because a waste of our loud bubbly personality would be awful. Do not forget that everyday is a new day to do something new, spontaneous, and adventurous. I hope we continue to support our friends in whatever they do, be the friend that you want to have. I hope we continue to not be afraid of branching out of your comfort zones, go see the world!

As for Service, I hope we continue to broaden your horizons in the plethora of volunteer opportunities at Longwood or in the town of Farmville. Those connections made through acts of kindness will be some of the very best. I hope we continue to pick up trash wherever to see it, even if there is not a trash can for the next 20 miles. Always offer our hand to those in need even if it creates a slight inconvenience for us because a kind act a day keeps the can change the world. I know that we are not the type to be lazy or unproductive, so use our thoughts to bring change, small or large to your community that will benefit others. 

For your goals, never let them seem to big to achieve and never forget that what we put into anything is exactly what we will get out of it. We will graduate from Longwood University with a Bachelors of Science degree and we will have your stuff packed up ready to go off to Dentistry School. Where? I do not know yet but, wherever you end up never forget about home. Your family will always be there for us and they have supported us along our way. Always push yourself to be the absolute best person we can be and never forget to smile. (: 

See you soon, 

Freshman Davice