“Heretic Adornment”

Laura Kahler, artist Jewelry is almost always used as a means of adornment. Heretic Adornment is the result of examining Medieval torture devices. These implements have always interested me, for they are meant to draw out the process of punishment no matter the device. While researching and juxtaposing jewelry and papermaking, I chose to combine … Continue reading →

Art, Art, Volume 7

“Lasting Light”

Eamon Brokenbrough, artist I grew up in the rural South. When I was younger and I would be stuck to my dad’s hip for an errand run, it would be rare when he would not encounter someone to talk to. It seemed to me that all people ever wanted to talk about was the past … Continue reading →

Art, Art, Volume 7

“Mono Duality”

Ben Osterhout, artist — Throwing on the wheel, I create objects that range in form from classic styled shapes to abstract decorative pieces. I like to use ceramics as a ground for my paintings. I have found that throwing on the wheel is meditative, and the three dimensionality of the form helps to accentuate my … Continue reading →

Art, Art, Featured, Volume 7


Lindsay Graybill, designer — Because of the growing availability and portability of gadgets for all age groups, many young parents use technology as a substitution for personal communication and physical contact. They do not realize that children can be negatively affected by this unnatural replacement. My senior project is targeted toward these parents and serves … Continue reading →

Featured, Graphic Design, Graphic Design, Research, Volume 7