Formal Report

The Formal/ Professional Report was yet another assignment where Dr. Guler gave my teammates and me a chance to apply some of our creative ideas to create a professional document and use the information that we had been working on for quite some time in that class to create a formal report, gathering all of our information together in one document. One thing that I think that I really took away from this assignment was catering it to a specific audience, that being our ‘client’. This was a difficult step for me to succeed at but it was ultimately my biggest takeaway because I believe it is going to have the biggest impact on my career. Students have to cater their emails to professors and have professional emails sent to them but this felt like a completely different aspect of professional writing and something that I didn’t think was going to be that hard but turned out to be one of my greatest challenges. This also leads to my group collaboration skills because I had the support and help of my teammates to aid me while writing specifically to our client. This report also taught me how to analyze websites, this was a requirement for our report and it taught me to put away my own views that wouldn’t specifically be important for our clients and focus on giving criticism that they would want and need to hear.
