Posts tagged travel

VSRA Conference 2015

 ConferencePresentation     Last Friday, March 13th, Mary Lacen Kinkel and I were able to present at the Virginia State Reading Association’s “Reading is Magical” Annual Literacy Conference. The Conference took place at the Richmond Marriott Hotel and Greater Richmond Convention Center in Richmond, Virginia from March 12th to March 14th. Our 50 minute presentation theme was “Motivational is Marvelous: Engaging Strategies for Adolescent Readers.” The presentation included: information regarding who are adolescent readers; research-based engaging reading strategies for adolescents; and instructional practices and resources for teachers to use in their classrooms. There were a variety of participants who attended our session including graduate students, undergraduate students, program professors, administrators, reading specialists/coaches, and classroom teachers. I believe that this opportunity to present allowed me to network with professionals from around the state, as well as prepared me for future presentations that I may be required to give in my career.

     ConferencePictureThroughout the conference, I was able to visit a variety of vendors, attend numerous concurrent sessions, and attend the general session with featured speaker Richard Allington. I especially enjoyed the concurrent sessions led by my fellow classmates because I was able to learn new literacy ideas and see their hard work come to life! I even gained a wealth of free resources and leveled texts from vendors such as Pearson, McGraw-Hill Education, and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Overall, presenting at the “Reading is Magical” VSRA Conference was a highlight in my Graduate career thus far and I have expanded my knowledge of teaching literacy by attending this annual event!

VSRA 2015 Annual Conference

vsraRecently I was able to attend the Virginia State Reading Association Annual Conference in Richmond, VA.  I am currently enrolled in Longwood’s Reading, Literacy and Learning program, and found that presenting at this conference as well as attending different sessions was very beneficial to me.  The sessions that I attended, such as a general session by Richard Allington, highlighted statistics to help us understand how reading (and lots of it) benefits our students.  I also attending sessions by fellow grad students such as Kayla Brock and Kelly Farr (among others) who gave us some great ideas for fun and engaging activities to use in our classrooms. One of the most beneficial sessions that I attended was that of Julia Dudley-Haley who showed us multiple websites where we could find free leveled text! Overall attending this conference not only helped me to develop my skills as a presenter but it also provided me valuable information that will help me in the future as a classroom teacher or reading specialist.

Virginia State Reading Association

IMG_5217UntitledA highlight of the conference for me was learning about leveled text and PALs. I was able to attend a presentation on where to find leveled text on the same topic which is a hard thing to do.  Throughout my time tutoring and student teaching I had a hard time finding materials on different levels that were about the same topic.  The presentation provided me with useful tools on how to create my own text and where to find text.  The other presentation that I found very helpful was a presentation on PALs.  Due to me not having a classroom of my own I have never been able to work on the PALs website so seeing a presentation on how to use the website will help we a lot in the future.  Presenting at the conference was also a highlight because being able to share information to other teachers is very rewarding.  It was my first time ever presenting at a conference and just knowing that some teachers learned information from my presentation was the best feeling.  Overall I learned a lot of useful strategies and tools that will benefit me in the future when I begin my career.

Virginia State Reading Association Conference 2015













This weekend I attended the Virginia State Reading Conference in Richmond, Virginia.  This conference was packed with a speakers and sessions we could attend to help grow our professional knowledge of teaching literacy in the classroom.  It was a great learning and networking experience for me.  I was not only able to attend informative sessions that have given me  tools to use in my future classroom, but I was able to network and meet teacher, students, administrators, and reading specialists from all over the state.  I gained so much new knowledge from this conference.  Each session gave me new tools, resources and ideas to use in my classroom.  The vendors their also supplied me with books and resources to use in my future classroom.  The most rewarding experience was being able to present at the conference.  My partner and I presented on literacy centers in the classroom.  We had a packed house of 60+ people.  This experience allowed me to strengthen my public speaking skills as well give me practice into what I will be doing as a reading specialist or teacher.  After our session was over we were even asked to present to a group of teachers in a surrounding county.  We both were very proud of our work and were glad that people got a lot out of our session.  Attending this conference was a great experience and has really supplied me with tools that will grow my knowledge as a student and teacher.   I cannot wait to began using what I learned this weekend in my own classroom.

Virginia State Reading Association

VSRA pictureKayla Brock and I were one of the first sessions to present on the first day, Thursday, March 12, 2015.  Our presentation was entitled “I Like to Move-It, Move-It: Literacy in Motion”.  We were incredibly grateful to have over 50 people show up to our presentation and listen to what we had to say about the importance of incorporating movement into to classroom.  Our audience was more than willing to participate in our activities and they came with some great questions and suggestions as well!  After our presentation was over, I decided to stay for the rest of the conference to support my fellow classmates and take away as much as I could from a wonderful weekend.  Within the convention center, they had vendors that provided wonderful resources so one of the biggest benefits gained from this conference was all of the resources and materials I received to incorporate into my future classroom.  I am very grateful for having the opportunity to present and attend such an amazing conference and I look forward to next years!

Virginia State Reading Association Conference 2015


From March 12 through 14, I was able to attend the Virginia State Reading Association annual conference held in Richmond, VA.  The conference was a wonderful opportunity to attend numerous sessions each day and included featured speakers as well, and well known authors such as  Jeff Kinney (author of Diary of a Wimpy Kid).  I was able to attend several different sessions that covered many different topics.  I enjoyed being able to pick from so many presentations to attend and feel like I was really able to gain valuable information from the sessions that I can one day apply to my own classroom as a teacher.

During this conference, I was also able to present a presentation of my own with a classmate.  Our topic was titled Literacy Centers: That was Easy.  Our room reached full occupancy about 8 minutes before it was scheduled to start, and our presider had to close the doors and post a sign saying the room was full.  It was very exciting to not only have the opportunity to present at the VSRA conference, but it was a great experience to have so many people attend our presentation.  Following the presentation, my co-presenter Leah and I were invited to give our presentation at a school district.  The reading specialist for the county asked us if we would bring our presentation to her county to give a professional development session to the teachers in her schools.  We were both very excited.  The excitement was followed up by a different school system then encouraging us to apply to their school district for open positions they had.  The networking and opportunities gained from giving this presentation was a great experience for me.

I truly had a wonderful time at the VSRA conference.  It was nice to hear presentations from teachers all across Virginia.  I gained many valuable ideas from those presentations on topics such as journals, literature circles, blogging in the classroom, text investigation, and so many more.

The Magic of Reading

FullSizeRender (3)What an incredible experience! The Virginia State Reading conference was held in Richmond this year. With the conference so close to St. Patrick’s day, it was only fitting to have a “magical” theme. Presenters came from across the country to share some knowledge in regards to literacy and learning. Sessions ranged from pre-school friendly topics and ideas to high school leveled content. This was my first large conference experience and I was lucky enough to be selected as a presenter with Eli Sole. We presented on PALS, an assessment used and given primarily to K-2 students. We were excited to have a room filled with passionate teachers who want to provide better instruction for students. Being a presenter is an experience that I will never forget and will continue to use the knowledge gained for future presentations.

After presenting, I was able to enjoy some sessions as a participant. One of the best sessions I attended was by Dr. Jean. I was able to take away so many ideas to use with my kindergarten students. Children need to have fun and use dance and rhyme to learn!! What a motivational person Dr. Jean is.

I am so thankful for the experience that I was able to have at the VSRA and am looking forward to returning in the future.

Virginia Counselor Association Conference 2014


This past November I was able to attend the Virginia Counselor Association Conference held in Colonial Williamsburg from the 20-22.  This conference held some amazing sessions that I appreciated because we had the chance to learn from people in the field with different views and experiences.  The keynote speaker James Lloyd, did a phenomenal job getting people motivated and uplifted; I would love to see him speak again if I had the chance.

The sessions that I went to were very diverse in their topics.  Some of them talked about mindfulness and the importance of maintaining an awareness of one’s mind and learning to remain in the present instead of always thinking about past and future events.  One of the sessions that I went to also had a discussion about Disney characters and how their experiences are related to what happens in the real world.  Some of the stories have to do with grief, some have to do with conflict, and others have to do with differences in personality and how to best relate to one another.  For example, Winnie the Pooh reflects a variety of personalities and how they all learn to get a long is a good lesson.

Finally, the conference in general felt like a vacation.  The first night we were able to participate in a fun event to get to know other counselor’s and to have some great refreshments.  We had a reception for the Longwood Graduate students as well at one point so I felt like we were a part of the Counseling field, even if we are Graduate Students.  I was so grateful to have the opportunity to go and I can’t wait until next year!

Virginia Counselors Association Convention

IMG_2093This November, I had the opportunity to attend my first Virginia Counselors Association Annual Convention, which was held in Williamsburg, VA.  Throughout the convention, I attended several sessions on topics that will help me to become a successful school counselor, such as bucket filling, creatively expressing emotions, positive behavior interventions, social media, and even how to use dance and yoga in the classroom or during counseling sessions.  The motivational speaker, James Lloyd, was incredibly entertaining and motivated me to not only be a better counselor, but to be a better person as well.  His words on genuinely making others feel important and taking care of yourself will stick with me for many years to come.  In addition to learning a variety of new counseling strategies and resources, I really enjoyed networking and getting to spend time with other grad students, friends, and professors outside of the classroom.

The conference was a very inspiring and refreshing experience that has left me with new tools, greater friendships, and even more excitement as I move closer to starting my career as a counselor.  I am already looking forward to attending next year’s convention!

Virginia Counselors Association Convention 2014

imageThe VCA convention was absolutely a remarkable experience. I believe every one should take the opportunity to attend one while a student or counselor. As a student preparing to indulge in the counseling field it was inspiring to be apart of such a big event. One gets the opportunity to notice numerous counselor come together and celebrate their accomplishments. They all seem to want to make an impact in children’s lives, as well as help those who need assistance. The atmosphere as I attended the three day convention remained positive through  out the entire conference. Everyone was so welcoming, wanting to learn about one another and what position they play in schools or institutions. It was great to meet new people and find out their “stories” and where are they come from.

During the convention, I learned plenty while attending each of the session. Each presenter had a great topics to introduce and discuss; all worth listening and learning from.  One of my favorite lectures dealt with adolescents and social media. It gave a great insight of today current trends and how adolescent use social medias such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and etc.If possible, I would want to attend again next year.

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