Author Archives: Colin Werth

J. Taylor at SHAV Conference!!!

Hello Longwood Students, Faculty, and Staff!! My name is Jalyn Destene Taylor and I am a first year Graduate student in the speech language pathology program. I am originally from Philadelphia, PA and I have found that I love the … Continue reading

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SHAV Conference 2018

SHAV was a wonderful experience. I had the opportunity to go many different presentations to further my education in Communication Sciences and Disorders. The presentations that were of interest to me included Social Pragmatics Communication Disorders: Best Practices for Intervention, … Continue reading

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SHAV 2018

This past week, I had the pleasure of attending the Speech-Language-Hearing Association of Virginia (SHAV) Conference with my graduate cohort in the Longwood Communication Sciences & Disorders graduate program. During my experience at this event, I was able to hear … Continue reading

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Katie Lester’s awesome experience at the SHAV conference!

I had a wonderful educational experience attending the Speech-Language-Hearing Association of Virginia (SHAV) conference in Williamsburg, VA last week. This conference presented the latest research, trends, and challenges present in the dynamic field of speech-language pathology. I attended several speaker … Continue reading

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SHAV 2018

Last week, I had the opportunity to attend the 60th SHAV Conference in Williamsburg, VA. Throughout the weekend, I was able to attend several sessions focusing on effectively using AAC devices, both low- and high-tech, and including AAC users in … Continue reading

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Speech-Language-Hearing Association of Virginia

  On Thursday, March 22nd and Friday, March 23rd I had the pleasure of attending the Speech-Language-Hearing Association of Virginia annual conference in Williamsburg, VA. This conference was an extremely beneficial educational experience. I expanded my knowledge on supervisor and making the … Continue reading

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SHAPE America Conference: Nashville, TN 2018

Hey my name is David Van. Traveling to Nashville, TN and having the chance to interact with such a wide variety of individuals was inspiring. Having the opportunity to experience the enthusiasm attendees and presenters had made me even more … Continue reading

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SHAPE America Conference: Nashville, TN 2018

Longwood University has always provided me with a variety of opportunities. I have been fortunate enough to attend three VAHPERD state conferences and one other SHAPE America Conference throughout my undergraduate years at Longwood University. The generosity of Graduate Studies … Continue reading

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SHAV Conference 2018

The SHAV conference in Williamsburg was a wonderful experience as a leveling graduate student, and the poster presentations were a big success. My group’s topic was, “Does Speaking Fundamental Frequency Influence Ratings of Speaker Competence and Social Attractiveness?” We gave … Continue reading

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2018 CCCC Annual Convention

Earlier this March, I had the privilege of traveling to Kansas City, MO with Dr. James Holsinger and Dr. Heather Lettner-Rust to present at the Conference on College Composition and Communication. This was my first time in Kansas City and … Continue reading

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