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March 29, 2018

SHAPE America Conference: Nashville, TN 2018

Longwood University has always provided me with a variety of opportunities. I have been fortunate enough to attend three VAHPERD state conferences and one other SHAPE America Conference throughout my undergraduate years at Longwood University. The generosity of Graduate Studies has allowed me to continue attending professional development opportunities for my fifth year at Longwood. I had just as much fun and learned just as much as I had at all other conferences I previously attended, but this one was different. I was able to present with professors and other graduate students from Longwood and JMU about putting children’s abilities before their disabilities. The amazing part is that I was able to learn just about as much from the participants as they learned from me by listening to their experiences in the profession. This experience allowed me to get outside my comfort zone and use the skills and information Longwood has provided me and share those with others in the Health and Physical Education field.

I was also able to reunite with a previous Longwood University professor who taught my first physical education course. It was truly eye-opening to see how much we’ve grown and learned throughout the years. I look forward to attending National and State Conferences as a Longwood Alumni after graduating in May!




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