Author Archives: Daniel Easter

About Daniel Easter

Daniel Easter graduated from Amelia Academy. Actually, he graduated from elementary and middle school there, too. In fact, Longwood is the first new school he’s attended since first grade. Daniel is passionate about several things, including making the most of every minute (which does not include sitting in his room) and playing basketball. He’s even thinking about trying out as a walk-on for the basketball team. A liberal studies major, he wants to teach elementary school and is part of the Call Me Mister program, which encourages young men to be role models by becoming teachers. In high school, his favorite classes were physics and music, and he was involved in Beta Club and the National Honor Society. Here are some random interesting facts from Daniel about himself:
  1. Working at the YMCA inspired me to want to work with children.
  2. I play guitar and piano.
  3. Before I decided that I wanted to major in liberal studies, I wanted to major in music.
  4. In junior year of high school, I was on the basketball team that went to state finals.

A Short Goodbye to the Best Year of My Life

Wow … so freshman year is really over. This has been a wild ride and easily the best year of my life.  With all of the new friends I’ve met and the endless memories I’ve made, I couldn’t think of … Continue reading

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Spring Semester: The Good, the Bad and the Meniscus Tear

It’s hard to believe that freshman year is almost over. This semester has been pretty straightforward and consistent, and midterms flew by—mostly because they were easier than expected. I’ve gotten into a groove and schedule, which is both a good … Continue reading

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How My Spring Semester Is Shaping Up

Initially, I thought it would be a weird transition coming back to campus after being home for so long. Surprisingly, I got right back into the groove of things. One thing I was worried about was my schedule. My classes … Continue reading

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Fall Was a Wild Ride—and I Can’t Wait for What’s Ahead

I’ll start by apologizing for not posting in so long. It’s been a wild and overwhelming two months, and it was hard to find a time to write. However, the first semester is coming to a close, and I am … Continue reading

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Fun and Freakouts

After two weeks of classes, I can say that I’ve had my fair share of stress and freakouts. There is no hiding the fact that college classes are extremely stressful, but it’s not unmanageable. I’m beginning to learn the system … Continue reading

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Making Friends and Revving Up For Classes

I don’t think it really hit me that I had really made it to college until move-in day. Rusty and I moved our things in and would’ve lain in our beds all day if we didn’t have to go to … Continue reading

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A Long and Fun Day

Ever since graduating high school in May, it never hit me that I was about to start one of the biggest transitions of my life. I had gone to the same school since kindergarten and never changed schools, so going … Continue reading

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