Monthly Archives: June 2017

Prep Work

Traveling. That one simple word brings about so many different memories for everyone. When I was younger, I lived in Germany for four years because my father was in the Army.  During that time, traveling for family meant driving a … Continue reading

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Ludwar Lab presents at the meeting of the of the American Diabetes Association

Bjoern Ludwar presented a new study on the use of fingerprint symmetry (dermatoglyphics) for the early detection of diabetes mellitus at the 77th Scientific Session of the American Diabetes Association in San Diego. Dr. Ludwar, Longwood student Saarah M. Holayel, and their … Continue reading

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Letter to my senior self

Dear Gabby, You’ve almost made it through all of your 4 years (hopefully only 4) of college! I hope it was everything you wanted it to be. I hope that as of now you’re still in the nursing program, preparing … Continue reading

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Hello and welcome to Jesse Plichta-Kellar’s Honors E-portfolio. Pages can be found under the drop down menus.

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Journal #3

Since my last journal entry I have learned that I am more capable then I see myself as. When I first entered this position I was very nervous and shy and afraid to share my opinion. But I have learned/realized … Continue reading

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For three days at the end of May, students in the Alaska program studied at Longwood University. During these three days, students learned about and discussed issues that will be examined during their time in Northern Alaska. One of the issues … Continue reading

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Journal #2

So far during this internship I have learned many things. The most important thing that I have learned is to not be afraid. I am always weary about sharing my thoughts and opinions on things because I fear they are … Continue reading

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Thank you for visiting my eportfolio!

I aspire to be someone who is a productive member of society and give back to the community. From my college experience I would like to gain more independence and a greater sense of self, while still remaining humble. My … Continue reading

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Journal #1

This internship is in the Institutional Advancement Office. I will be assisting several of the workers in the office so my duties will vary throughout the weeks I am there. The more simple things that I have been doing and … Continue reading

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