FLE Community Education Project Proposal

The project proposal had a stated goal of :

Write project proposal,  2-3 pages in length, in which you:

  • Identify the topic you are researching and the audience you are targeting with the project;
  • describe the type of resource you plan to design (e.g, are you creating a brochure, infographic, podcast, video, blog, fact sheet); 
  • outline the sections (or issues or topics) that will be included in the resource and cite sources (in-text) that you use to support information in each section;  
  • explain why that type of resource is appropriate for the topic you are covering and the audience you are targeting,
  • discuss how the resource could be distributed/presented/made accessible to the target audience; 
  • provide a complete bibliography in the correct APA format of the sources you will use in informing the contents of the product. 

Below is our proposal for our product of an infographic/ fact sheet on Psychological/ Emotional Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). Again, our target audience was local young to middle-aged women.

Just another Longwood Blogs site