Post #9: Risk Rhetoric

1. ) While The Outdoor Adventure store offers quality outdoor apparel and experiences to it’s customers, one major constraint that applies to risk rhetoric is their effectiveness on assuring public safety among their consumers. This organization provides it’s customers with the ability to explore FarmVille through their bike and kayak rentals, however, nowhere on  their website does it explain how they can guarantee safety for the customers.     I believe if potential customers were able to have a better understanding of their safety policy, more would be likely to rent bikes and kayaks from the store.

2.) Non-experts qualify as the audience for this organization. While The Outdoor Adventure Store does a great job targeting it’s audience of frequent exercisers, or adventure junkies, it’s store is open to anyone among the public to come into  their store. Therefore, their audience is not restricted to just professional athletes, per say, or highly skilled outdoor enthusiasts.

3.) In regards to risk, The Outdoor Adventure Store remains strict on what it’s organization promotes. By only offering outdoor gear, activities, this organization has the potential to attract experts to their store. For example, someone from an expert audience may be a frequent consumer of North Face backpacks, and if they were to come across the store, they could start a movement on getting more expert audiences into the store. However, as of now it is still open to the general public. Thus the strategies they use for their non-expert audience is that they allow for anyone to enter the store at their choice.

4.) I observed that The Outdoor Adventure Store’s “Service Center” tab offers a safety check, for $25. The safety check is an inspection process on bikes. While this does ensure proper safety, it does not apply to all the bikes they rent out. It means that audiences can come in and have their bikes inspected for a small fee. This is, however, one minor way that the organization appeals to credibility within their organization, because they offer safety precautions to their customers.

5.) Because this organization needs improvement on promoting public safety, I would gather that as of now they are not entirely qualified to speak about this particular risk topic. However, they can fix this problem by altering their website so that it goes into depth about how they value the protection of their customers. For example, they could say that all customers are required to wear a helmet.

6.) Considering that there is frequent room for improvement with risk, The Outdoor Adventure Store invites participation in the risk assessment process. One way the store can provide participation is by hiring an expert on outdoor safety, and they can give them tips on how to provide their customers with  guaranteed safety.

7.) Since the organization does offer outdoor activity, that is one way it allows the audiences to make fully informed choices on whether risk is likely to occur. A potential audience member may want to know how this organization ensures a safe experience for them when renting a bike or kayak, and yet because the website does not give an explanation, they may assume consequences of their experience, such as falling off the bikes and not having any assistance provided.