Sociology 284: Sociology of (Dis)Ability

Key concepts: Disability within society; Disabilities within different institutions;

Sociology 306: Stress and Crisis in Families

Key Concepts: How children react to stress and crisis; How parents react to stress and crisis; How institutions help during a family’s stress and crisis

Sociology 401: Sociological Theory

Key Concepts: Institutions; Sociological Theories; How Sociological Theories Affect Institutions; Theorist

Over the course of my time in the sociology department at Longwood university my writing has changed. At the start of my sociological writing career, I lacked the much-needed knowledge of sociological theories. Once learning the different theories, I was able to apply them to my writing. I have learned that researching all sides of the topic will help develop the stance that I am taking. Through my writing, I have learned how to read and understand sociological research. I have become a better writer in general as well. I have learned to catch small mistakes that I make; I also became a better proofreader. Using outlines has helped me be able to get all my ideas on paper in an organized way. Using outlines has also helped me better organize my papers. I have also gained a better knowledge of how to write about institutions. I have learned all the institutions and how they affect society in different ways. Everything falls under an institution. Once learning how to correctly identify the various institutions writing about them became easier as well as writing in general.

Within behavioral therapy, for children with autism, I will be working closely with many different institutions. Education and family are the two main institutions that I will be working with. Throughout the sociological courses that I have taken, I have gained many skills that I can use to become a behavioral therapist. I know how the education system can work against those who have disabilities which are not physical. I have learned the different ways there are to advocate for those who have disabilities that you can not see. Education can be a tough institution to get through. I have also learned different ways and resources to help families through a stressful time or crisis. Learning that a child has autism can be difficult to navigate through. I know other ways to help a family stay resilient through the diagnoses. I have learned how religion might affect how a family will go through getting a diagnosis. Families teach children how to act and what they know. Children are a reflection of their families. Being able to see and understand the interaction between parent and child is also important. I will also be intertwined with the economy, religion, and government. The economy will bias healthcare costs and how much insurance will cover. Religion is affected by case-to-case biases. Individuals practice different religions which may alter the amount and/or type of services they receive. The government lays out the foundation how what behavioral therapists can do.