
Over the course of the semester, I have learned a lot in sociology 346. One thing that I have learned is how to navigate R-studio and SPSS. Throughout R-studio and SPSS I have not only learned recode data. I have also learned how to set up scripts so R-studio and SPSS will read it. In R-studio I am able to understand why things do not run correctly. In SPSS I am able to recode and code data. Learning R-studio and SPSS takes great thinking and attention to detail. I can run ANOVA, T-tests, Regression, Correlation, and Chi-squared test in both R-studio and SPSS.

R-studio and SPSS are important because they eliminate mistakes that could be made through while doing it on hand. Both can tell you within seconds how significant data is. This is useful when the data is large and it cannot be done by hand. Knowing the step-by-step process for each test in R-studio and SPSS can help discover important and significance of data.  

I have also learned how to understand data in different content to see how or if it is significant. Through different statistical test I can now understand different significance. I can perform ANOVA, T-tests, Regression, Correlation, finding mean and standard deviation, and Chi-squared. I know the step-by-step process of how to perform these statistical tests. I also know the requirements to run each statistical test.

With knowing how to do the statistical test I am able to better understand the behind the scenes of data. With doing statistical test by hand you are able to fact check a computer program. It is important to know how to do these things because it will reoccur in the future.  Each test run different things but all are valuable.

With the manual that I created in this class I am able to fully run statistical test by hand, through R-studio, and through SPSS. With that I am able to conduct data analysis on any data set. I hope to work with data. Having these skills in my back pocket I will be able to tell quickly and efficiently how significant a data set is. I am also able to conduct research and evaluate the data. I am able to run statical test and find answers to research questions.