Outcomes Targeted:
1) analyze and produce writing genres according to the rhetorical situation of workplace contexts;
2) create professional documents that use plain English principles (to targeted audience);
3) conduct research to create content for a variety of professional documents (memos, letters, reports, etc.);
4) create professional documents that use design principles;
5) practice oral communication skills to present content effectively (enhanced with multimedia tools);
6) participate productively in collaborative projects.
This assignment targeted all of the outcomes of this class (1-6). Due to the nature and length of this assignment, it is natural that is includes all of the outcomes. Outcome 1 is addressed because a professional report is used in professional context, and in our case, it was used in both a higher education and medical context. There are several appearances of all three rhetorical strategies throughout the document. For example, in the letter of authorization, ethos is used (the short staffing of speech language pathologist raises concerns about the quality of care that the clinic can provide). Outcome 2 is addressed as the entire document features plain English and it was created for a specific audience, CSD undergraduate students. The report required researched on the entire formatting of the document, which addresses outcome 3. We used our textbook to explain the proper formatting. Although much of our information is fake, some of it was inspired by Longwood’s undergraduate CSD program. Our course of study is our main example of this. The graduate school information was also a heavily researched topic. Outcome 4 is addressed by our use of graphics, graphics, text formatting, and overall cohesive design. Many of the graphics, such as the campus map, I drew on my iPad. Upon creating this report, my group and I also had to present it to the class, which addresses outcome 5. Using a powerpoint slide, we each rehearsed our script several times beforehand. We also had a specific presentation time requirement. Lastly, outcome 6 is addressed due to this assignment being a group project. I had two partners and we collaborated amazingly. We met several times outside of class, we texted each other frequently, and we split the workload evenly.