Meet Abby Jones, a senior at Longwood University. Originally from Prince George County, Virginia, Abby is a dedicated student with an appreciation for hard work. She will be receiving a bachelor of science in Communication Sciences and Disorders with a minor in Neurostudies, a degree she will have accomplished in just three years. After graduation, she will be returning to Longwood in the fall of 2022 to begin her master’s degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders. Her ultimate goal is to become a speech language pathologist. Even as a young child, she has felt a strong urge to help those with disabilities. Although Abby is finishing her degree a year early, she has been involved on campus. She served as treasurer for Kappa Delta Pi, an international honor society in education and as vice president of Field Hockey Club. She also has been an active member of the National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA). During the final two years of her undergraduate degree, she worked as an Assistant Teacher at the Andy Taylor Center, an early childhood development center at Longwood University. Here, she worked closely with children aged birth to five. She considers this experience a fundamental aspect of her college career, teaching her how to use proper behavioral strategies with young children. As Abby continues through her professional career, her biggest goal is to keep learning.

What is the ePortfolio?
The goal of this portfolio is showcase Abby’s work in English 470, a three credit, writing-intensive, professional writing course she took in the spring semester of her senior year. When clicking each section in menus bar, there will be a detailed description of the assignment as well as a personal reflection from Abby. She hopes to share her experiences of each assignment in this ePortfolio. Dr. Guler cultivated assignments, including this ePortfolio, that focused on writing for workplace settings. Upon completing this class, Abby learned how to successfully use the three rhetorical appeals in her professional writing. This can be demonstrated in all of the assignments within this ePortfolio. The ‘Correspondence” tab specifically shows her work with using the three rhetorical appeals. This class also taught Abby about plain English, including the 8 C’s. Once again, this can be demonstrated in all of her assignments within this ePortfolio. In regards to formatting, she is now capable of crafting professional memos, “bad news” documents, persuasive letters, TED-style talks, and professional reports. This class was also dependent upon group work. Successful collaboration is very important in the workplace, and she now feels confident in her abilities with communication, expectation, and accountability. Abby hopes to continue her professional writing studies upon leaving this class.
Course Outcomes:
1) analyze and produce writing genres according to the rhetorical situation of workplace contexts;
2) create professional documents that use plain English principles (to targeted audience);
3) conduct research to create content for a variety of professional documents (memos, letters, reports, etc.);
4) create professional documents that use design principles;
5) practice oral communication skills to present content effectively (enhanced with multimedia tools);
6) participate productively in collaborative projects.