Labor Market Info

Brief Review of Labor Market Information relevant to opportunities for practice within the
counseling profession.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported from their Employment Projections Program, that employment for substance abuse, behavioral disorder, and mental health counselors is expected to rise by 22% from 2021 to 2031, an average of 77,500 job openings. The American population continuing to seek professional help for substance abuse, behavioral disorders, and mental health issues is the driving force behind this projected employment growth. In fact, over the decade an average of 43,600 job openings per year is expected. These openings reflect not only the increasing demand for mental health services in America, but also the need to counselors who have transferred, left the workforce, or retired. Another aspect of demand for counselors includes veterans in need of professional treatment and states opting for mental health treatment plans rather than jail time for perpetrators struggling with addiction and mental health issues.

May 2021 the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Occupational Employment and Wages for counselors, with wage differences between industry and State. The national mean hourly wage for counselors was found to be $23.91, with the mean annual wage at $49,730. An example showing the wage differences between industry include the hourly wage of counselors in the Individual and Family Services of $20.97 while the hourly wage of counselors in the Local Government (excluding schools and hospitals) is at $25.78. The annual mean wage for counselors practicing in Virginia ranges from $41,200 to $49,190.


Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics. (2021, May). U.S. Bureau of of Labor Statistics. Retrieved November 2022.

Occupational Outlook Handbook: Substance Abuse, Behavioral Disorder, and Mental Health Counselors. (2022, October 24). U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Retrieved November 2022.