The Gay Agenda: Longwood University's Pride Club Newsletter

SCS: Don’t freak out but, finals are approaching.

Hello it’s I, your friendly newsletter chair!  I’m kind of a mess right now but it’s that time of year, right?  First off, I hope everyone is well.  If you’re in a similar boat, this is your friendly reminder to take your meds, take a shower, or whatever small self-care thing you can do for yourself.

Here’s a realistic list of what you can do to avoid any mental breakdowns this race to the finish line may cause you:

  1. Make lists
  2. Priorotize the things on the list
    1. If you struggle to prioritize, ask your nearest still-functional friend or roomate to look over the list you have
    2. If you’re still struggling, ask Google
  3. Remember to take breaks, naps, and set alarms if you need them to stay organized.
  4. If you’re a chronic sufferer of procrastination, break large items into small pieces.  Got a 4 page paper to write in a day?  Write for a solid fifteen minutes, stop and watch a short youtube video (or whatever you can fit into five minues) and then start again.
  5. Don’t mix coffee and 5 hour energy.
    1. Also, don’t take a whole 5 hour extra strength if you’re under 5 ft unless you want to feel like you’ve gone insane.
  6. If you’re stressed, start writing a journal to vent in.

Remember, breathe, we’re all in this together.

It’s just a bad week, not a bad life.  

See you on the other side of the war.

Peace, love, and rainbows,


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